Thursday, January 29, 2015

Week 4

This marks the end of week 4 and I am pleased with my efforts so far. It is extra work daily for sure but I think at the end of the day I am glad I am doing something to make me happy. I think I needed this for my sanity. I love being a mom and being around my son, watching him learn new things everyday but I also want some me time activity and this is exactly that. 

Here are my collection of photographs for the week. Every week I think I will put in more effort and describe how each day went by and what was my reason behind the photo I posted but I don't get around to doing that and a caption has to suffice for now. 

Day 22
Steve Blunt entertained the little kids with songs and dance at our local library.

Day 23
Sick day; with me, hubby and baby all not feeling well so this is the best I could

Day 24
It kept snowing all day but then you get these amazing subject right outside in your backyard

Day 25
We were fighting a bit of cold/flu still so just went out to have dinner and found these cows grazing the snowy fields 

Day 26
Snowed in still so decided to play popping bubbles with my son and I got inspired for my day's photo

Day 27
Thats how you enjoy your evening after a blizzard with a hot cup of hot chocolate 

Day 28
Surprised hubby with this dinner made by me

Hope you have a fantastic week and I will be back next week with another update!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Week 3

I cannot believe it has been three weeks since I took up this enormous project. Its one of the signs of the end of times that time will go by very quickly and I feel it is becoming very true now. Anyway, I know some of you might think hey whats the big deal about this project? All you have to do is take a photograph once a day, right!  Well that is the case but the thing to remember is, I have to pick up my DSLR everyday and try to learn new things and then experiment with it and that requires motivation, effort, some creativity and most of all "Time". The last one is the hardest to find especially when you have a toddler running around all day and you are trying to play catch up. So some days just for the lack of time I end up using a random iPhone picture as a filler. I am trying to not use my iPhone camera a lot for this project because that would defeat the purpose really.

So up until now, I really wasn't working with any theme in mind for the week or day but I think once the initial novelty wears off, I might have to come up with something. This week I did end up taking two similar photographs because I was trying to learn the sun flare and since it happened to be sunny most of the week, I tried to play around with it a couple of times.

Here are this week's photographs:

Day 15
This boy kept staring at me while I was taking photographs of my son so I decided to take his as well

Day 16
The dessert spread at my friend's dinner party

Day 17
Guess where I came across these lanterns? Our local mall

Day 18
Some daisies brought home to brighten up the long and cold winter days

Day 19
Saw these flock of Canada Geese while driving by so I had to stop and capture them ofcourse

Day 20
I decided to stop by my favorite reservation to take in this beautiful sunny day

Day 21
Today we stayed home so I had to improvise and made this Dragon jewelry box my subject.

Hope you enjoyed these! See you next week :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Week 2

The photography journey continues.....

I tried to stay dedicated the whole week. It was only today that I did not pick up my real camera to take a photograph but hey iPhone camera is not too bad right and it does count as photography :p

Here are this week's photographs:

Day 8
Trees and snow in our backyard

Day 9
It only snowed enough to coat a layer over everything outside 

Day 10
Shopping day ended with a new piece of jewelry

Day 11
Baby yawning because he's bored and sleepy. I decided to test my selective coloring skills here.

Day 12
This photograph reminds me of the song "raindrops keep falling on my head" which literally kept happening that day

Day 13
Went to our local ice cream shop which has this antique tractor on display

Day 14
Last day of the week, I was lacking some motivation and feeling very much like my baby here

Hope you enjoyed my week long activity. I'll be back next week with more, till then take care my friends.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Project 365 - Week 1

I don't believe in New Year's resolutions but this year in order to improve my photography I have decided to take up the 365 Project. Now some of you might not be familiar with it. Basically a 365 Project is a photography project where you take a photo each day for a year of a subject of your choosing and share it with the world. 

Taking on the project has different meaning for different people. 
  • To improve your photography (like me)
  • To document your everyday activities at the end of the year.
  • Tell your story through your photographs
Whatever may be your motivation to start it. The idea is to improve and learn new photography techniques and learn to take better photographs. I hope I am able to finish this project. I will be posting my photographs daily on 365 Project website everyday but I will post on this blog weekly in a group. Hope you guys will enjoy them as well.

Day 1
Used my son's Duplo figurine as my subject

Day 2
Flowers brightening up my kitchen
Day 3
My favorite tea tins hanging out on the counter

Day 4
My friend Mara posing on this cool wintery day for me

Day 5
Found these bright red berries in the bare and desolate backyard. My inspiration for the day

Day 6
It proved to be a busy day so I used a photo from New Year's Eve Party

Day 7
A moment captured between my husband and son