Saturday, February 28, 2015

Week 8

Another week has gone by and we are still buried under snow here in Boston. Honestly, this week wasn't as bad as before because there was no new major snowfall. We have been in an Arctic blast for a while now and the sub-zero temperatures are just not funny anymore. I know there is light at the end of this tunnel in the form of a beautiful Spring but it just seems so far away at this point. Still can't believe this is going to be the snowiest winter in the history of the city.

On the brighter side, in the last couple of days we have made so many plans for this year. I can't wait to start executing these plans. This is going to be a great year InshAllah. Also my DSLR was out for service last week so I had to make do with my iPhone and my Canon s100 for a while but glad its with me again.

Coming back to my photography project, this was week 8. I was running low on creativity and I played catch up on some days, so my photographs are very ordinary and I apologize for it. I hope I can go out more soon and bring more interesting subjects for you guys. In the meantime try to enjoy these and don't be too disappointed because I need some encouragement.

This week I have quite a few black and white(B&W) photographs and I have to say, my love for B&W photographs increases everyday. I don't know what is it about B&W photos but it makes any regular photo more eye catching and I will continue to experiment with it in the coming days.

Day 50
Q is for Quotation 

Day 51
R is for Rose

Day 52
S is for a Set of Squares

Day 53
T is for Taxi

Day 54
U is for Upside down toddler

Day 55
V is for a Vase and its reflection

Day 56
W is for Watch

Hope you have a great weekend planned for yourself. Enjoy and keep smiling :)

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Week 7

This has been a great week, inspite of the continued miserable winter weather. I have been able to keep up with my daily photograph, for 7 weeks now. I am very proud of myself for doing this. For the month of February, I am doing the Alphabet theme and I had two days extra to take a photograph of anything besides the theme. It so happened that this week I used both my free passes for those Alphabet free days. One was for Valentine's Day, the other was for the baby shower for two of my really good friends who are each having baby #2. This baby shower has been in the works for a few weeks but since we kept getting snow storms, it kept getting postponed. So glad we were finally able to celebrate with our friends and now looking forward to the new arrivals :)

Going back to the Valentine's Day story. I know a lot of people think that Valentine's day is a marketing scam and people fall in the trap of buying overpriced jewelry, roses and chocolates. I think it is alright to fall into such traps for love. Yes you should love, respect and cherish your partners and loved ones all year long and express your love everyday but we all know that its easier said than done. Everyone has a busy schedule and you are just trying to do the best you can each day. So if there is a designated day that everyone knows about and you make a bigger effort to make your loved one feel special, then there is certainly nothing wrong with it. Go crazy splurging if you want to. I know no body would mind that one bit :) I had a perfect Valentine's day outing with my amazing hubby and son. We went out for a fancy brunch in the city and I got to pick up a piece of jewelry on the way back. I am one lucky gal that's for sure.

Hope you all had a great day with your loved ones. We sometimes get carried away in our daily lives and don't let our family know how much they mean to us, especially if you live far away from them. So, take some time to let them know how much you love them. 

Enjoy this week's photographs!

Day 43
L is for Lamp's Light Reflection

Day 44
M is for Morning

Day 45
Valentine's Day Special

Day 46
N is for 'Never ending snow in New England'

Day 47
O is for an O made of Cheeri-Os via fish-eye

Day 48
The Baby Shower cake for my friends Nicole and Christine

Day 49
P is for postcards

Have a nice day. Take care of yourself and people around you. 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Week 6

Hello Friends!

This week was a bit tough with us being home bound more than usual because of the insane amount of snow. We have had 3 big storms in the last 3 weeks and innumerable light snow days. It becomes a bit difficult to keep a toddler busy and while trying to do that and keeping a house running normally, I was unable to take new photos for everyday of the week. I ended up using two old photos as filler that I took a while back. The first one is the E for Eye photo which is one of my favorite photo of my son, Zain. The other is Day 41 photo of the train passing by. The latter was taken during one of our Christmas time outings.

I hope you enjoy the rest of the wintery photos of the week. Enjoy the weekend and keep checking out my blog. Thanks!

Day 36
E is for Eye

Day 37
F is for Fence

Day 38
G is for Gold and Gemstones

Day 39
H is for Horizontal lines

Day 40
I is for Icicles

Day 41
J is for Journey

Day 42
K is for Key

Monday, February 9, 2015

Week 5

Oh boy! What a week it has been? We were having such a nice mild winter and then boooom we got hit by the blizzard Juno and got 2 feet of snow dumped on us. I've been in Boston for over 3 years and yes the winters can be a bit harsh but this one has become the craziest one. It is because of the fact that it started out as a really mild winter and with hardly any snow which is unusual for Boston but then it just took a U-turn and since then its been snowing day in and day out and it feels like we are living in Alaska or something.

So I guess for the next few weeks there are going to be just snow photos or indoor ones because of lack of other activity. Also in my 365 Project I took up a mini challenge for the month of February

This is how it works:

28 days in February

  • One photo for every letter of the alphabet
  • Two wild cards days
Photos could either be of the letter, something beginning with the letter, a technique that starts with the letter like blank and white etc.
I am enjoying the challenge so far. Let's hope I can continue with it.

Day 29
The cutest snowman in the world is in our backyard

Day 30
I feel so blessed to have this amazing view right in our backyard.... Never get tired of looking at it

Day 31
My almost 15 month old having a go at tearing some tissue paper and creating a mess

Day 32
A is for Abstract

Day 33
B is for Bear

Day 34
C is for Candles

Day 35
D is for Dairy

Have a great week and to my local friends stay warm and don't let the snow bring you down :) See you next week!