Saturday, February 28, 2015

Week 8

Another week has gone by and we are still buried under snow here in Boston. Honestly, this week wasn't as bad as before because there was no new major snowfall. We have been in an Arctic blast for a while now and the sub-zero temperatures are just not funny anymore. I know there is light at the end of this tunnel in the form of a beautiful Spring but it just seems so far away at this point. Still can't believe this is going to be the snowiest winter in the history of the city.

On the brighter side, in the last couple of days we have made so many plans for this year. I can't wait to start executing these plans. This is going to be a great year InshAllah. Also my DSLR was out for service last week so I had to make do with my iPhone and my Canon s100 for a while but glad its with me again.

Coming back to my photography project, this was week 8. I was running low on creativity and I played catch up on some days, so my photographs are very ordinary and I apologize for it. I hope I can go out more soon and bring more interesting subjects for you guys. In the meantime try to enjoy these and don't be too disappointed because I need some encouragement.

This week I have quite a few black and white(B&W) photographs and I have to say, my love for B&W photographs increases everyday. I don't know what is it about B&W photos but it makes any regular photo more eye catching and I will continue to experiment with it in the coming days.

Day 50
Q is for Quotation 

Day 51
R is for Rose

Day 52
S is for a Set of Squares

Day 53
T is for Taxi

Day 54
U is for Upside down toddler

Day 55
V is for a Vase and its reflection

Day 56
W is for Watch

Hope you have a great weekend planned for yourself. Enjoy and keep smiling :)

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