Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Week 24

This week marked the end of Zain's playgroup for this session. We love this playgroup which is run by our town's school. He loves going to the school and associates a bunch of activities with his classroom.  I'm so glad we came across this program. The program also conducts a bunch of other events around our neighboring towns. We always try to attend them since they are a lot of fun.

Our week was full of outdoor activity unlike last week when it rained for a few days. This week we went to the park and the lake. We made some crafty things for Father's Day(hush hush). We went to Micheal's to get our supplies and Zain was very fascinated with all the crafts and supplies in the store. I have to admit every time I go there, I feel like I want to take up 10 new hobbies but alas! I don't have that much leisure time and neither am I that organized to keep them all going at the same time. If I can keep this blog going and a couple of other things that I have on my plate then I am very happy.  

While I was at the store I finally found a few things to do my long awaited DIY project. I have included the final product photo in this post but I will do a separate post for how I did it. It was really simple and I think everyone can benefit from it, especially in their kitchen. Keep an eye out for that post. I will post it in the near future.

Next week also marks the start of Ramadan and I am really looking forward to it. The Roza will be insanely long, with Sehri at 3:22am and Aftari at 8:25pm. These will be the longest fasts in my life so far. Hoping they go well, InshAllah!

On a side note, Summer is in full swing and even though we do some activity over the weekend, it is always great to go for a vacation. We are really looking forward to ours in a week's time. So the next week will be spent in planning and packing and getting our stuff ready to go. Before we had Zain, it was so easy to pack and just go, now we have to think of all contingencies and therefore it requires more careful planning. Nonetheless, we are hoping for a fun vacation and expecting the unexpected☺︎

Day 162
Watching the wind blow

Day 163
Checking out stuff in the craft store with mama

Day 164
Loved this old couple relaxing by the lake

Day 165
Random flowers growing in the green shrubs

Day 166
Zain's last day of playgroup for this session

Day 167
My finished DIY project

Day 168
Our favorite spot to hangout and watch people rowing their boats

Hope you enjoyed the post this week. I finally took some time to actually write and not just post photos. I have a feeling that next week I will be so occupied with our trip planning, it would definitely affect my blogging. So either the post will come out very very late or it might just have a the photos from the week which I put together while sitting on the plane. Have a good rest of the week. Until next time take care and be good!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Week 23

Summer has finally arrived in New England and its beautiful. We have been out and about everyday of the week. Sitting indoors seems like a waste of time. We still go to the library because Zain loves playing there and we pick up a bunch of books that he brings home and learns new things from. However, our trips to the parks are what he really looks forward to these days.

The fun thing we did this week was watching many fire trucks and firefighters at a local parade. Zain thoroughly enjoyed that and talked about it for days. He is all about chu-chu trains and trucks these days. 

Here are my photos from the week:

Day 155
Can't get enough of flowers

Day 156
Drawing with Crayons requires alot of concentration

Day 157
Weeds in the grass???

Day 158
What can be more fun for a boy than to watch a fire truck parade while sitting on a fire truck 

Day 159
Playing at the library never gets old

Day 160
Catch me if you can!

Day 161
Eating burgers with your friends is always fun

Hope you are having a great weekend. Enjoy whatever is left of it. Until next week! Adios! 

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Week 22

Time seems to be flying by at a crazy rate. The week comes and goes by so quickly that I barely have a chance to register. I don't know if that is because I have a hyper active toddler running around me or just one of the signs of end of times being close.

The highlight of Week 22 is that I participated in my first 5K run with a bunch of friends. The run was so much fun because it was full of color and therefore aptly called The COLOR Run. I signed up for the run to get me motivated to get into shape but it didn't work out as planned. Oh well, atleast I had fun and that is important too. 

Here are my photos from the week:

Day 148
Just hanging out

Day 149
Old State House in Boston

Day 150
It's all about the chu chu trains these days

Day 151
My first 5K Color Run

Day 152
Had to show my finisher's medal :)

Day 153
As he is growing up, he is becoming quite the helper.... Throwing away the diaper packaging 

Day 154
Rain rain go away!

Hope you all are having a great weekend! 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Week 21

Last weekend was an extra long weekend for us because Samer, my husband, took the Friday off and Monday was officially off because it was Memorial Day. We had decided to make this a leisure weekend and stay local while just taking day trips to break the monotony. 

It turned out to be a pretty eventful weekend still, as we did something fun every day of the weekend. We went shopping at the outlet malls one day, which itself is a whole day activity and very tiring. The second day we went to a friend's place for a BBQ and I regret to say that I did not take a single photo there. We went to a local theme park the third day. That was definitely the highlight of the weekend as we had so much fun with Zain there. He took his first solo rides at the park. He was over the moon and couldn't get enough of it. I have so many favorite photos from the day that I have used quite of few in this week's post instead of my usual one day a photo rule but I think its ok to make exceptions every now and then. The last day we did just relax. Ran some errands and then had a BBQ at our place with just a couple of friends. It was a wonderful end to the weekend.

Here are the photos from Week 21:

Day 141
Shopping day at Wrentham Outlet Mall

Day 142
Sidewalk chalk art

Day 143
Being fascinated by the roller coaster and screams at Canobie Lake Park in NH

Day 144
Found this night shot of the spinning swing by the lake interesting

Day 145
Zain and his friend Sam deep in conversation

Day 146
I have to share Zain's first ride on a plane

Day 147
Day time nap is most essential for baby and his mama

Hope you all had a great weekend. I am still lagging behind in my weekly posts. There is another one coming very soon this week so I can get back on track. Enjoy the rest of the week!