Monday, March 30, 2015

Week 12

This week came and went by too quickly. We had more snow which is not even news anymore because it seems like winter is never going to end. It is becoming more challenging to keep this project going. I try to keep up but lets see if I can make it through the year. 

Here are my photos of the week. I was not able to take my camera everywhere with me this week and therefore there are mostly iPhone photos of the places outside of the house but I got some photos of Zain playing in the house with a few of his favorite toys.

Day 78
Reading intently a book about how daddy acts in a family

Day 79
All good things must come to an end; like these flowers my hubby brought

Day 80
Zain not happy with his footie jammies

Day 81
Beautiful wedding cake on display at the Wedding Expo I went over the weekend 

Day 82
Little dinosaurs marching away 

Day 83
Cars and trucks are Zain's favorite toys now

Day 84
Thinking how do I get this farm to function properly?
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are back to the week's grind. Until next time, take care!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Week 11

The past week was so much fun. We visited the New England Aquarium for the first time with our son Zain, who is 16 months old now. This outing was long overdue because either a snow storm or some random event has been popping up every weekend for the past couple of weeks and we have not been able to take him there. 

Might I add, Zain has been getting very excited to go see fishies (as we like to call them), turtles, sea lions and penguins thanks to me and YouTube. I have been showing him their videos, in addition to the books and toys he has of these animals. Once in the Aquarium, he was very fascinated by all the different kinds of fish. So colorful and with varying sizes. I think he was a little overwhelmed by the main fish tank in the middle of the Aquarium that is almost 3 stories high. He also liked the sea lions. It was a bit cold where the indoor/outdoor pool for the sea lions was located and he said so himself because we actually went there without wearing our jackets. I think besides looking at all these animals in real, his favorite part was selecting a stuffed animal out of the hundreds on display to take home with him. So we got him a turtle and a penguin to remind him of his fun trip to the Aquarium.

The rest of the week went by with our usual playgroup, library and other activities and it was great. The other highlight of the week was a wonderful dinner and flower bouquet brought home by my husband on a random weeknight. What a wonderful surprise that was and I felt very lucky to have a loving husband and a beautiful boy to spend my days with.

Day 71
Music Concert at the local library

Day 71
Spring is in the air while snow is in the background

Day 73
Penguins at the New England Aquarium

Day 74
Giant green sea turtle which is over 5 feet long and weighs 500+lbs

Day 75
Penguin family at the Aquarium

Day 76
Hubby surprised me with beautiful blooms

Day 77
Couldn't resist another Aquarium photograph

Hope you all have a great week and let us all pray that spring comes sooner rather than later. Until next time   ✌️

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Week 10

What a beautiful week it has been! We hit almost 60°Fahrenheit and it felt really good. On a separate note my project has gone into double figures... yay! Goes to show how dedicated I am to this. However I didn't get around to really write much to go with this post but I have been procrastinating publishing it and it seems unfair to my photographs because they were taken on time. So here goes my week's progress. Hopefully, I will be less lazy next week.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Day 64
Experimenting with Blurrism

Day 65
Baby shower cake I decorated with my friend

Day 66
For our love of books

Day 67
Dancing colorful musical fountains

Day 68
Dinosaur day at the playgroup

Day 69
First buds of spring 2015

Day 70
The menu at JP Licks

Friday, March 6, 2015

Week 9

This week marks the end of my Alphabet February challenge. I am happy yet relieved that its over. While it was fun to have to come up with an alphabet related shot everyday, it made it much harder to keep up with the 365 project. Now that the challenge is over, I have the freedom to take the photos of my everyday life again.  

So the snow is melting away and the winter seems to be slowly but surely coming to an end. It doesn't mean that we can feel the spring weather just yet, but we have started to venture out more, with several playdates and story times at the library every week. It is definitely much better than the last couple of months we have had. 

We have made many plans for this year and it is going to be very eventful InshAllah. A lot to look forward to when the weather finally becomes more pleasant. I cannot wait for our fun adventures.

For now take a look at my weekly photographs below:

Day 57
X is for the X I found in my kitchen floor

Day 58
Y is for Yarn

Day 59
Z is for the letter Z in my son Zain's name

Day 60
Round up of my Alphabet February

Day 61
I made Biryani for dinner tonight 

Day 62
We love exploring the library before we get down to reading books

Day 63
Which way is the right way? Experimenting with my camera features

Have a wonderful weekend. Hope you get to go out and spend some quality time with your family :)