Thursday, January 29, 2015

Week 4

This marks the end of week 4 and I am pleased with my efforts so far. It is extra work daily for sure but I think at the end of the day I am glad I am doing something to make me happy. I think I needed this for my sanity. I love being a mom and being around my son, watching him learn new things everyday but I also want some me time activity and this is exactly that. 

Here are my collection of photographs for the week. Every week I think I will put in more effort and describe how each day went by and what was my reason behind the photo I posted but I don't get around to doing that and a caption has to suffice for now. 

Day 22
Steve Blunt entertained the little kids with songs and dance at our local library.

Day 23
Sick day; with me, hubby and baby all not feeling well so this is the best I could

Day 24
It kept snowing all day but then you get these amazing subject right outside in your backyard

Day 25
We were fighting a bit of cold/flu still so just went out to have dinner and found these cows grazing the snowy fields 

Day 26
Snowed in still so decided to play popping bubbles with my son and I got inspired for my day's photo

Day 27
Thats how you enjoy your evening after a blizzard with a hot cup of hot chocolate 

Day 28
Surprised hubby with this dinner made by me

Hope you have a fantastic week and I will be back next week with another update!

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